Sunday, May 17, 2015

5 famous Indonesian culture in the world

below 5 famous Indonesian culture in the world. in fact there are many more. but this time we discussed five it first. Check it out :

1. Wayang
Photo : Wayang Indonesia (

Puppet or Wayang has been recognized by UNESCO as a representative list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia in 2008. The puppet is one of the folk performing arts are still a lot of fans to this day. Puppet show played by a puppeteer by moving the puppet characters are selected according to a story that was delivered. The stories that have been sourced in the book of Mahabharata and Ramayana bernafaskan Hindu culture and philosophy of India, but has been absorbed into the culture of Indonesia. In each pegelaran, the puppeteer assisted by swarawati or sindhen and the gamelan players or musicians, so the puppet show involving many people. In Indonesia, Wayang has spread to almost all parts of Indonesia. The types of any variety that include: Wayang Purwa skin, Sunda Marionette Puppet, Puppet, Wayang Betawi Wayang Bali, Banjar Wayang, Puppet torch, Wayang Palembang, Krucil Wayang, Puppet Thengul, Timplong Wayang, Puppet hare, Puppet Grass, Puppet smacking, Jemblung Wayang, Puppet Sasak (Lombok), and Wayang Beber.

2. Keris Indonesia
Photo : Keris Indonesia (

Keris is exotic objects and original culture. This is a 'work of art' as well as 'cultural objects' original Indonesian archipelago. Kris culture stretches from the tip of Sumatra island in western, Siam peninsula and Sulu in the North, the Great Barrier and the Maluku islands in the East Nusa Tenggara Islands in the South. Keris be binding identity that encourages a sense of nationhood that thrives in the archipelago. In 2005, Keris Indonesia has been recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia.

Keris is a dagger stabbing weapon group (pointed end and sharp on both sides) with many cultural functions are known in the western and central archipelago. The shape is distinctive and easily distinguishable from other sharp weapons because it is not symmetrical at the base is widened, the blade often winding, and many of them have the prestige (the fibers of bright metal layer) on the blade bar. In the past kris serves as a weapon in a duel / warfare, as well as complementary offerings objects. Currently, the use of a dagger more as a complement ornaments in traditional dress. As cultural products, keris contains a number of noble values the maker culture symbolized in various parts of the keris. In addition, the keris is also rife become collectibles are assessed in terms of aesthetics.

3. Batik Indonesia
Photo : Batik Indonesia (

Basically, batik is an art that uses the canting as a tool for painting. Canting itself is a small bowl-shaped device made of copper and has a carat or muzzle, with a stalk of bamboo or wood that can be filled wax as a material for painting. This canting can make a collection of lines, dots or cecek that eventually form the patterns. The patterns is then a decoration in Batik art.

Making batik has been passed down from generation to generation until today. With this traditional pattern, since the first public imagination pours through pictures on batik. Communities also have to know the traditional art of dyeing with natural materials before knowing staining with chemicals. Batik is spread almost throughout Indonesia has a decorative shape that varies between one and the other. In 2009, UNESCO recognized batik as an intangible cultural heritage of Indonesia.

4. Angklung
Photo : Angklung (

Angklung is a traditional Indonesian musical instrument made of bamboo and sounded by shaken. This instrument comes from the Sunda. The word is derived from the Sundanese angklung "angkleung-angkleungan" namely Angklung player movement and sound "Klung" it generates. Etymologically, Angklung is derived from the word "number" which means a tone and "lung" which means broken. So Angklung refer tone or tone burst is incomplete. Each angklung will produce different tones, so that every appearance requires more than one angklung. At least eight tones generated by the angklung. Angklung has been recognized by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia in 2010.

5. Tari Saman Gayo From Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
Photo : Tari Saman Gayo (

Saman is one of the traditional arts are growing and developing in the Gayo people in Gayo Lues district, Aceh Tenggara, Aceh Timur (District of Serbejadi), Aceh Tamiang (Tamiang Hulu). Saman is a game of tradition usually done by men who are generally young age to fill his spare time. Either at the time in the fields, mersah, after the Koran in any house they took time to practice Saman. Saman game into an art show that is often staged as a media relationship, a friendship, the delivery of moral messages, rhymes youth, depictions of nature and the environment, and so on. Saman Dance is recognized by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage who need urgent protection from Indonesia in 2011.

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